RV Trips with Cats: Tips for a Purrfect Trip

Traveling in an RV with cats can be an exciting and memorable adventure. After all, what’s better than exploring new destinations with your furry companions by your side? But, before you hit the road, it’s essential to ensure that your trip is not only enjoyable but also safe for your cats.

We understand the unique joys and challenges of traveling with cats in an RV. That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive guide, packed with tips and tricks to help you make the most of your cat-friendly RV trip.

From cat-proofing your RV to managing feline behaviors on the road, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and discover how to make your RV trip a purrfect experience for both you and your cats.

Embarking on an RV trip with your cats can create lasting memories and strengthen the bond between you and your feline companions. By following our tips and recommendations, you’ll be well-equipped to enjoy a safe and enjoyable adventure together. Happy travels!

Cat Safety in an RV: Top Precautions to Take

When it comes to traveling with our feline friends in an RV, safety should always be our top priority. Our furry companions depend on us to create a secure environment, both on the road and at the campsite. Here are some essential precautions to ensure your cat’s safety during your RV adventure:

1. Properly Secure Your Cat

While driving, it’s important to secure your cat inside the RV to prevent any accidents or injuries. Consider using a well-ventilated cat carrier or a cat harness and leash to keep your furry friend in place. This will not only protect them but also minimize distractions while you concentrate on the road.

2. Create a Cat-Friendly Space

Designate a comfortable and safe area for your cat inside the RV. Set up a cozy bed or blanket, provide access to fresh water and food, and ensure they have a litter box readily available. Remember, a happy and content cat is less likely to engage in potentially dangerous behaviors.

3. Be Mindful of Temperature

Cats are sensitive to heat and cold, so it’s essential to maintain a suitable temperature inside the RV. Keep an eye on the thermostat and adjust it accordingly to provide a comfortable environment for your furry companion. Additionally, never leave your cat unattended in the RV during extreme weather conditions.

4. Secure Hazardous Items

Take extra precautions to secure hazardous items that could pose a risk to your cat’s safety. Make sure cleaning supplies, chemicals, and medications are stored in locked cabinets or high shelves out of your cat’s reach. This will help prevent any accidental ingestion or exposure.

5. Inspect the RV Before and During Travel

Prior to hitting the road, thoroughly inspect your RV for any potential hazards. Check for loose wires, gaps, or openings that your curious cat might explore. Regularly inspect the RV during your trip to ensure everything remains secure and safe for your furry friend.

Essential Items for RV Travel with Cats

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When embarking on an RV adventure with your feline companions, it’s essential to have the right supplies to ensure their comfort and well-being throughout the journey. From litter box solutions to carriers and other necessary items, here is a list of must-haves for traveling with cats in an RV.

Litter Box Solutions

Providing a suitable litter box setup is crucial for your cat’s comfort and hygiene during travel. Consider portable litter boxes that are easy to clean and store. These collapsible litter boxes are space-saving and convenient for life on the road. Additionally, opt for Pretty Litter and never have to worry about the smell of a litter box!!


Carriers are indispensable when traveling with cats in an RV. They not only provide a safe and secure place for your cats during transit but also serve as their cozy haven in unfamiliar surroundings. Look for carriers that are sturdy, well-ventilated, and easy to clean. Some carriers even come with additional features like built-in litter trays or feeding bowls.

Travel Food and Water Dishes

It’s essential to provide your cats with food and water during your RV journey. Invest in travel-friendly food and water dishes that are spill-proof and easy to clean. These portable dishes will ensure that your cats stay hydrated and nourished throughout the trip, without compromising on convenience.

Comfort Items

Make your RV feel like a home away from home for your cats by bringing along their favorite comfort items. This can include their cozy beds, blankets with familiar scents, and toys to keep them entertained during the journey. These familiar objects will provide a sense of security and reduce stress for your furry friends.

First Aid Kit

Accidents can happen, even during RV travel. It’s important to have a well-stocked first aid kit specifically tailored for your cats. Include items such as antiseptic wipes, bandages, and any necessary medications prescribed by your veterinarian. Prioritize their health and well-being by being prepared for any unforeseen circumstances.

Grooming Tools

Regular grooming is essential for your cat’s comfort and hygiene, even during RV trips. Pack necessities like a cat brush or comb to keep their fur well-maintained and prevent matting. Additionally, nail clippers or a scratching post will help keep their claws in check. Cat nail covers provide a safe and humane alternative to declawing by effectively covering a cat’s sharp nails, preventing damage to furniture and minimizing scratches while still allowing the cat to retract and extend its claws naturally.

By having these essential items on hand, you’ll be equipped to create a purrfect travel experience for your feline friends. Remember, their needs and comfort should be a top priority throughout your RV journey. We use Nail Covers on our cat whenever we travel.

Managing Cat Behaviors while Traveling

Traveling in an RV with cats can be a fantastic adventure, but it’s important to be prepared for the behaviors they may exhibit during the journey. From meowing and restlessness to anxiety and litter box issues, understanding how to travel with cats in an RV can help you manage these behaviors effectively and ensure a smooth trip for everyone involved.

Creating a Comfortable Space

One of the first steps to managing cat behaviors while traveling is to create a comfortable space for your furry friend. Make sure your RV has designated areas where your cat can relax, stretch, and feel safe. Set up a cozy bed, place familiar toys or blankets, and provide access to fresh water and food. Creating a secure and enjoyable environment can help minimize anxiety and stress during the journey.

Keeping a Routine

Cats are creatures of habit, and disruptions to their routine can lead to behavioral issues. While on the road, try to maintain a consistent schedule as much as possible. Feed your cat at the same times each day, provide regular play and scratching sessions, and stick to their usual sleep routine. This can help alleviate any anxiety or restlessness caused by the change in environment.

Using Comforting Scents

Cats rely heavily on their sense of smell, and familiar scents can provide a sense of security and comfort. Consider bringing along bedding or blankets that have your cat’s scent on them or use synthetic feline pheromone sprays. These scents can help reduce anxiety and promote a calming atmosphere within the RV.

Gradual Introductions

If your cat is not accustomed to traveling in an RV, it’s essential to introduce them gradually to the new environment. Start by allowing them to explore the RV while it’s stationary, gradually increasing the time spent inside. This gradual introduction can help acclimate your cat to the sights, sounds, and movements associated with RV travel, reducing stress and potential behavior issues.

Managing Litter Box Challenges

Litter box issues can be a common problem when traveling with cats in an RV. To maintain good hygiene and prevent accidents, consider using a covered litter box with high sides that can contain the litter and minimize spillage during travel. Place the litter box in a quiet and secure area of the RV, away from food and sleep areas. Additionally, ensure regular cleaning of the litter box to keep it odor-free and appealing to your cat.

Seeking Veterinary Advice

If your cat’s behaviors while traveling become overly problematic or distressing, it’s always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian. They can provide personalized advice and solutions to address specific issues your cat may be experiencing. Your veterinarian may also recommend calming aids or medications that can help ease your cat’s anxiety during travel.

Remember, Patience is Key

Traveling with cats in an RV may require some adjustments and patience. Remember, your cats may need time to adapt to the new environment, and their behaviors may vary from trip to trip. By understanding their needs, being prepared, and providing a comfortable and secure space, you can ensure a happier and more enjoyable travel experience for both you and your beloved feline companion.


As we conclude our journey into the world of RV camping with cats, it’s clear that these furry companions can add an extra layer of joy and companionship to your travels. From the best RV destinations for cats to essential safety precautions and must-have items, we’ve covered it all to ensure a purrfect trip for you and your feline friends.

Remember, a successful cat-friendly RV trip starts with careful planning and consideration of your cat’s specific needs. Creating a comfortable and familiar environment for them, whether it’s through a designated litter box area or ensuring adequate space for them to roam, goes a long way in keeping them happy on the road.

While it’s natural for cats to display behavioral changes during travel, with our tips for managing cat behaviors, you can address any challenges that arise on your trip. By providing ample playtime, keeping a consistent routine, and using calming techniques, you can help your cats adjust to the RV lifestyle and make the most of your adventures together.

So, whether you’re embarking on a weekend getaway or a long-term RV adventure, we hope our insights and suggestions have inspired you to embark on cat-friendly RV trips. The bond you’ll create with your feline friend as you explore the open road and experience new sights and sounds is truly exceptional. Happy RV camping with your beloved furry companions! Don’t forget to check out other blogs about RV travel:

Mastering the Outdoors: RV Tips for Beginners Smart RV Camping Camping with Kids

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